If you are considering an abortion for your unexpected pregnancy, you’ve come to the right place to find out more. It’s vital to know what to expect with various abortion procedures to prepare for potential side effects and risks.
Abortion providers determine which procedure a woman will have based on how far along she is in her pregnancy. Generally, if she is in her first trimester (12 weeks and under), she can have a medical (pharmaceutical) abortion.
However, experts warn that the farther along she is in her pregnancy, the less effective the abortion drugs are. Health Canada recommends the use of these drugs through 9 weeks of pregnancy only. Later-term abortions will most likely require a surgical procedure.
Let’s review the two types.
Medical Abortion (aka the abortion pill method)
A medical abortion uses drugs to end a pregnancy. A woman takes two drugs, mifepristone and misoprostol, over a 24 to 48-hour period.
The first drug, mifepristone, blocks the hormone progesterone. Progesterone is required for all pregnancies to develop and grow; without it, the pregnancy ends.
Misoprostol, the second drug, causes bleeding and contraction-like cramping to expel the pregnancy from the woman’s body.
Side Effects
- Vaginal bleeding (this always occurs)
- Cramps (this always occurs)
- Pelvic pain
- Vaginal burning, itching, or discharge
- Headache
- Serious/Severe skin reactions
- An incomplete abortion, which may require surgery
- Heavy and prolonged bleeding
- Infection
- Fever
Surgical Abortion
As you approach the second trimester (around week 13), it may be necessary for you to have a surgical abortion. A surgical abortion ends and removes a pregnancy using surgical instruments. It requires general or local anesthesia and dilating (opening) the cervix.
Surgical abortions are usually quicker but are also more invasive than medical abortions and the availability of surgical abortion methods varies from city to city. The most common surgical procedures combine vacuum or suction aspiration with either dilation and curettage (D & C) or dilation and evacuation (D & E).
Side Effects
- Bleeding
- Cramping
- Nausea, diarrhea, or vomiting
- Sweating
- Dizziness
- Infection
- Perforation of the cervix or uterus (abortion provider pokes a hole with a surgical instrument)
- Excessive bleeding or hemorrhage
How Can Cherish Women’s Resource Centre Assist Me?
We’re here for you. We want to discuss your situation and help you sort through your options and questions.We can give you more detailed information about the various procedures and what you should expect.
We care about your health and safety. Get as much information as possible about your pregnancy and your options. Schedule a no-cost and confidential appointment with us today.